Burning Man 1999 - The Aesthetic Meatball Foundation
In 1998 we had a serious discussion about the Aesthetic Meat Foundation, the
apocalypse group whose performance includes machines ripping apart cow parts,
flames, and plenty of blood. Frankly, they aren't funny enough. Meatball, though,
the Meatball is funny.
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Here's the big Meatball. At
night we placed a dim flashlight inside to light the way of the faithful. |
The view from the cockpit. Ahead we're approaching some kind of catapillar
vehicle with a butterfly on top. Typical Burning Man traffic.
The next several shots document the Meatball
Mobile in all it's glory. It's a surprising amount of work to create even
a minor art car. It took a few days to prepare and attach all the parts.
Many of the meatballs on the car were spray painted on the playa in front
of our camp. For about two days various combinations of odd toys littered
the ground in no particular order. During this time we were continually
amused by the steady stream of freaks who would walk by, stop and give the
presentation a serious study, laugh knowingly, flash us a smile, and walk
off. |
Meatballs are a universal symbol, as discussed by Joseph Campbell in
his seminal work "Hero with a Thousand Sauces."
Elmer's School Gel makes a good temporary adhesive.
It doesn't run as much as the regular Elmer's School Glue, washes off with
water, but will withstand squirt guns, short rain showers, and highway speed. |
Glitter glue is a decent option for temporary
writing on your car. The squeeze bottles go on easy, and wash off with a
garden hose. You can also write with the Elmer's School Gel and dump regular
glitter on the glue, but this is messier and more work. |
Art Car people are a special breed of showoffs
who also like to keep the riff-raff at a distance that can be selected using
the accelerator. If you make an Art Car, even a temporary one you can increase
your popularity by having a cheapo give-away, like postcards or stickers.
Everyone loves stickers. We gave out stickers that looked like these:
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